Annual Membership Renewal


The new 2019 golf season is fast approaching and the committee has been super busy organising some fantastic courses and great deals for the season ahead.  Look out very shortly for the posting of forthcoming events covering end March through October.

This all takes a lot of organisation, not only for the outings themselves but for the securing of bookings, for which we rely on early collection of annual membership fees.  It's a frustrating job chasing fees up and more often than not, we do not get payment in until the first outing of the year.  This is very unhelpful for our club cashflow.

For this reason, we are introducing a new way of paying membership fees, which will be by annual direct debit.  Set this up once and never look back!  Your cooperation with this will be much appreciated as it will make life a lot easier for the volunteers who organise the seasons' activities.

Annual membership has been retained at £35 for another year and we have also introduced an added bonus for existing members.....

If you introduce a new member to the Society then your membership will go free for the year.  Please pay your own membership in the first instance and if you sign up a referral, your membership will be refunded via the club treasurer. 

Membership fees to be paid by direct debit and set up by CLICKING HERE by no later please than 1st March 2019.

Thanks for the support.

The Committee 

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